there is a lot of content on this website, so here is a streamlined page that showcases various areas of my work
events photographer and designer: club event collages (2023)
Here are selections of my events photography and social media design that I have been completing throughout 2023. each are scrollable 5:4 collages for instagram, showcasing my photography of the events
Cobra sound Brighton pride day party
Donkline Presents: call the Frogline (ft. photography with freddie tarrant)
Pete cannon | Cobra sound and dirty bubble crew
nia archives: up ya archives tour | the new society
Donkline 4.0 | The Nightmare After Donkmass - Goth Special

Photo editor & designer and exhibition: dreamed landscapes - paradises from the future & apocalypse dreams (2019-2024)
an ongoing photo-collage and photo-manipulation project, which explores visual imagination, memories and dreams with a utopic/apocalyptic lens.
this project mixes a broad range of locations and settings together to mimic the mind’s natural pattern of mixing and altering visual memories when dreaming. The result is a series of “dreamed landscapes”: surreal artworks created out of cutouts of shots taken over the last seven years on 35mm film.
This project can be divided into three broad themes: “Dream Logic”, “Paradises From the Future” and “Apocalypse Dreams”. Each artwork may feature a combination of all three but usually has a specific emphasis.
To some extents, the project is an attempt to bridge the gap of our limitations surrounding our knowledge of dreams. By copying the process of visual memory, i hope to offer some sense on the mystery of dreams and imagination, whilst the science for this remains as a frontier.
i exhibited this project at Rotterdam photo '24, :

video editor: inspoHub @ ICE London 2023 | Behind-the-Scenes (2023)
behind the scenes video of inspohub's rapid turnaround of games global at ice london 2023. this was an i-gaming convention, and we were there to shoot, edit and publish multiple videos for them each day of the convention.
this behind-the-scenes video was the best we created for showcasing our personalities. whilst we have all worked on more intense and longer duration jobs, this was still very demanding given how rapid the turnarounds were for multiple videos, and on top of that I was feeling pretty ill. but still, the videos we made came out looking great and we still had enough spare hands to capture some running bts content for this video, and have a fun time with it too.
photo editor and designer: musical release cover art selects (2020-2023)

video editor: lotus at Goodwood 2023, for connect live
motion designer and animator: paysend advertising campaigns (2023)
digital advertising b2c and b2b campaigns for paysend, a global FinTech disruptor on a mission to change how money is moved around the world
16:9, 1:1 and 9:16 aspect ratio versions created for the customer and business branches of the company
Video editor and essay writer: Literary Journalism | The Journalistic Signatures of Tom Wolfe and Hunter S. Thompson (2020)
Video essay submitted as part of my final Portfolio for a Documentary America module at the University of Sussex
This was the first video i made in this form and it was definitely a learning process, not only in the content but in the creating and recording of it. My talents definitely don't lie in narration, but this was completed during the first lockdown in 2020 - I only had my housemates to borrow a mic, use a few of their beats, and to inspire me on the level of sound design that would help bring this video to life
this was during my final university term, and (between lecture strikes and the pandemic) it was almost entirely self-taught. despite this the video turned out well: the module convenor said she would use this as a teaching resource for future years, both for its production and educational value, so this is a style of video i definitely hope to make more of in the future
poster designer and animator: plaza at stage & radio (2022)
digital (9:16 static / animated), and physical (a3 / postcard) versions

photographer: 35mm people selects (2018-2024)

photographer: 35mm landscape selects (2018-2022)