Mixes and longer videos
due to the high file sizes of the following, please find these videos hosted on google photos:
KIng gizzard and mild high club, sketches of brunswick east, first side:
13 minutes
will vix bassline mix - Mix by Noah Gibson:
the first longer video of this type i made - 16 minutes
Bassline part 2 - Mix by Noah GIbson:
16 minutes
Brexit party - UK Garage mix by rizlaops:
video i made for a 'nightmare before brexit' themed house/halloween party (not the actual brexit party), featuring all of your favourite heads and figures of the brexit saga when it was still funny and not yet real.
23 minutes.
SUnday funday background visuals mix:
This was used as background accompaniment for an "all-dayer" gig in Brighton at the pipeline in 2018. Features a lot of the unofficial music videos i had already made, spliced and overlaid together to a mix of aphex twin, flying lotus, bonobo and more.
52 minutes in total and works well when on mute and in the background to virtually anything.